A private lender does not care about the borrower’s poor credit score. Ideally speaking, they don’t even check your income level. The main concern is the amount of equity present in your house. A bank will ideally lend up to 80% and, in a few cases, about 85% of the property value. Private mortgages fill the gap when you get denied by banks. They are a quick and flexible option when you do not qualify for a traditional mortgage. If you want to apply for a private mortgage, get in touch with the team at My Mortgage Approved today.
Do you need to improve your credit score? Don’t worry! We can help you secure a private mortgage at the affordable rates and terms. Contact us today to apply for one and get pre-approved.
How quickly can I get approved for a private mortgage?
It can take weeks, sometimes even months, for a traditional mortgage to get approved and funded. However, a private mortgage can sometimes take less than a day to get approved. You can have your money within 48 hours if all the documentation is in check. Usually, it takes up to a few days or three weeks. This is why many lenders will work with borrowers to help ensure they get to a much better position financially with the hopes of transitioning to a traditional lender someday. Get in touch with the team at My Mortgage Approved for reliable private mortgage solutions today.
Contact My Mortgage Approved today for a free, no-obligation mortgage consultation. You can rest assured; that we will find the right private lender, including negotiating the affordable rates and terms on your behalf.
Various types of Private Mortgage lenders:
1. Private individuals
These lenders usually invest in real estate and have an excess of private funds. These individuals are more interested in investing in property than in the stock market. For lending money, they will get a better return.
2. Mortgage investment companies
A mortgage investment company is a group of people who invest their money with a company. The company uses the pool of investor money to fund mortgages.
3. Syndicated mortgages
These lenders usually fund large projects. For instance, the funds can be utilized to develop apartments.
Here at My Mortgage Approved, we have access to several private lenders. We will shop around and secure the best rates and terms based on your specific needs. This means you can handle your due diligence.
Advantages of a private mortgage:
A private mortgage can be used to consolidate high-interest debt into one single easy-to-make payment. This can help prevent you from defaulting on your repayments in the future and eventually becoming debt-free.
With a private mortgage, borrowers will not have to go through the tedious approval process that traditional lenders enforce. With a private mortgage, the approval is quick and hassle-free. In some cases, it can take as little as 24 hours.
A traditional lender requires the borrower to maintain a credit score, unlike a private mortgage, where there is no minimum credit score required.
The borrower does not need to maintain a minimum income level to get approved for a mortgage. This is an ideal financing solution if you are self-employed.
It can help repair your credit score over time if your manage to keep up with your monthly obligations.
A private mortgage is a short-term loan where the borrower’s property is used as collateral. The loan term usually ranges between 1 to 3 years. If you fail to qualify for a home loan with a bank, a private mortgage is a good alternative. Qualifying for a mortgage from a traditional lender is not easy.
Banks will not only check your credit score but will also verify your income level and see the quality of your property. Due to these stringent criteria, private mortgages have been a necessity for many.
Why choose to work with a private mortgage lender?
There are several reasons why many borrowers choose to work with a private lender. Below mentioned are some of the reasons why My Mortgage Approved is the name you can rely on for a private mortgage:
You need funds immediately and want to avoid going through the tedious process, including the risk of being denied.
Your credit score is bad or poor, and there are high chances of your mortgage application getting denied by a bank or a conventional lending institution.
You are self-employed and declare your income unconventionally.
You are buying a property for which a bank or any traditional lending institution will not approve a mortgage.